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Florentino y el Diablo (for flute and marimba)

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Florentino y el Diablo (for flute and marimba)

Product Details

Florentino y el Diablo is an attractive piece for flute and marimba inspired by the richness of the Venezuelan musical tradition. It starts with an extensive and meditative solo flute, which connects with a peaceful dialogue between the two instruments, that is gradually transformed into an intense and complex musical challenge.

Florentino y el Diablo es una atractiva pieza para flauta y marimba, inspirada en la rica tradición musical venezolana. Inicia con un solo de flauta, extenso y meditativo, el cual conecta con un dialogo apacible entre los dos instrumentos, que poco a poco se va transformando un un desafío musical complejo e intenso.

© Rubén Darío Gómez - Last Updated November 2024

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